My friend Valarie shared a link with me to the
Home Sanctuary blog. It is a really neat blog. The author has daily "little things" to do to try and keep your house organized... to create a sanctuary in your home. To make it fun the author "awards" points for doing the tasks she posts about. I think readers can win little prizes and stuff with the points, but I don't think they really mean anything. It is just kind of fun and motivating to earn points even if they are just arbitrary. Valarie came up with her own point system for her own house keeping tasks. She shared her list with me, and I'm going to come up with a list also using her list as a guide
. Each day I will tally up my points, and maybe even share them here so you can help keep be accountable (or humble) for how "housewife-y I've been.
An example would be
Mop kitchen floor 50 points
Vacuum living room carpet 40 points
Anyway I don't have points assigned for specific tasks yet, but I will try and work on that tomorrow or sometime this week. If you come up with a list I'd love to see it!
have you gotten this done yet?? hmm? lol Ive been such a slacker lately come on Amy youre supposed to help keep us motivated lol